Monday, December 6, 2010


Today, I briefed with my principal, and I ranked proficient and superior in all areas!!! She even told me that my observation was better than other non-first year teachers! Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!

I was really nervous talking to her though.. I somehow felt incompetent and like I was rambling.. or just awkward. I'm not sure. Hopefully she'll think it's cute that I'm a little first year nervous teacher..... and not some unprofessional weirdo. I am so pleased with my observations.. I haven't gotten any red flags from anyone, and it seems like my kids are doing pretty well overall. It is frustrating though that no one is offering me constructive criticism. I wish they could be there the entire day to see where my struggles really are and help me problem solve (time management mainly). Currently, we're getting ready to finalize report cards and finish benchmarks and analyze all the data... so I'll have REAL info on how my kids are doing as a result of what I taught them. Exciting but nerve racking... especially when I compare my data to the other teachers! I'll update about how that goes pretty soon.

In other news, I found out that I have a TON of assignments for my alternative certification program (ACP) that I didn't know about. We have to do all of these assignments, along with extra assignments for a year-end portfolio that's sure to kick my bum, especially if I don't keep on top of it. Raa.. much prayer needed to end procrastination and really focus on what I'm doing. Did I mention I think I have adult ADD? Having to teach 4 subjects probably doesn't help much either........ttfn!

-1st yr teacher whose year isn't going that crazily...

1 comment:

  1. I have concluded that I have developed adult ADD as well. It has not helped with my classes this quarter! Hope all the finishing up is going well. I know someone who can't wait to see you!
